Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Art of BBQ

Well we just finished up the Art of BBQ in Tulsa, Ok. We had a great time. Our overall score was 7th out of 73 teams. The art of bbq was our 3rd competition. There was a great group of teams, many past winners as well as natioanlly known teams. I feel very fortunate to have placed 7th overall. I will post the Art of BBQ score sheets as soon as I have the PDF version.

Here is how the weekend started:

12:30 Arrive at the Art of BBQ located at 41st & Yale on the OU-Tulsa Lawn.
1:00 our RV arrives, we are shown to our spot which included a Mini Cooper right in the middle of our spot. Becuase of the rains on Wedneday and Thursday we were relocated to the asphalt instead of the lawn.
1:30 Art of BBQ staff is looking for the owner of the Mini Cooper
2:00 Art of BBQ staff is still looking for the owner of the Mini Cooper
2:30 Art of BBQ staff is still looking for the owner of the Mini Cooper
3:00 Art of BBQ staff is still looking for the owner of the Mini Cooper
3:30 a Dr. or Medical student finally mosies on over to the Mini Cooper, gets in, programs her GPS and finally after us helping her back the car out by stopping traffic, she leaves.
I have to say the Art of BBQ staff was great and very vigilant at trying to find the owner of the car. I guess some people think that big orange cones blocking parking spaces don't apply to them.
3:45 we begin backing the trailer in and setting up.
5:00 we are set up and ready to begin cook prep
5:05 decide it's so damn hot that we need a break and sit for a minute
5:20 we began some charcaol in the BBQ starter chimney for our grill - burgers were for dinner
6:00 dinner time - burgers
6:30 light the BBQ smoker - time to get serious
7:00 cooks meeting. My son attended with me and had horrid gas the entire time we were in there
7:30 back to BBQ site tend the fire - make sure team member have not been resting too much :)
8:00 start rubbing meat
9:00 brisket and butt on BBQ smoker
11:00 bed time
Keep fire going all night - wake up to the sound of the Maverik temperature alarm
5:00 am prep ribs
6:00 ribs on BBQ smoker
6:30 breakfast started

The rest is history.
After the awards ceremony Quincie decided to leave before the Champion and Grand Champion were named. Art of BBQ decided to name the top 10 in no particular order, Back Yard Pigs was called which was very unexpected. Quinicie decided to circle back and come join us. I think she was shocked. The top 10 started, after each was announced we just kept saying that means we are in the top 9, top 8, and then we heard our name, 7th place Back Yard Pigs! Very exciting to think we did that good in that field. I will post some pics in the next day or two.

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